The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

Shantz. Family Stands Out in Pittsfield Event 6B THE SPRINGFIELD SUNDAY REPUBLICAN, SPRINGFIELD, JULY 22, 1951; SIXTH ANNUAL CITY OF PITTSFIELD SWIM MEET ATTRACTS 65 PARTICIPANTS Action in City of Pittsfield Sixth Annual Swimming Meet These pictures were taken yesterday afternoon at the City of Pittsfield's finish of the junior girls' 50-yard backstroke, won by Doris Schantz. Upper right: Tish McCarthy, third; Doris Schantz, second; Lucilla Fuller, first. center: Maureen Connor, winner of the midget girls' 20-yard backstroke. defeating Al Cassidy, right, in the Great Barrington Brothers Demonstrate Golfing Skill Bill and Fran King Gave Brilliant Performance in Winning Wyantenuck Invitation Event Great Barrington, July 21-Two The that won the championship Fran King- wrote golfing history in try Club's Four-Ball Invitation something, but the caliber of golf will have local knights of the This best-ball team likely is the seen in the four- -ball tournaments of the county, Excellent Play Hitting the ball in grand fashion, they their.

tore par figures apart, Most of defeated opponents were a couple of strokes under the prescribed figures, but that wasn't good enough to stop the Kings as they burned up the layout with their sensational play. round, Few knew it during the qualifying but the Kings had played a warmup round the previous day in a downpour of rain and were; four under para good indication that they a plenty hot. Including the practice and qualifying rounds, along with their four rounds of. match play, all in the span of four days, the Kings turned in six rounds sub par golf which averaged four strokes under on each 18 holes. Everyone of their match play opponents was noted as a fine shotmaker.

Yet they tried in vain to upset. the Kings. In semifinals of this 48th annual Wyantenuck event it was figured that the match would go extra holes for the defending champions. Ray Congdon and Joe Morrill were expected to crack par. But what happened! The Kings took the holes.

And as it so happened, birdies on the 6th and 7th by Ray and Joe saw them win their only two holes of the semifinal match. It was all over on the 14th where Fran and Bill had won 5 and 4.. A Gala Windup At a quick glance one would wonder how the defending champions could ever have absorbed such a setback on their home course. However a. glance at the card revealed that with but 14.

holes played the King brothers were six strokes under par. Not bad certainly for. lads who are strictly "Sunday golfers. Cante the finals and they met another brother combination, Doug and Curt Carr. The teams were all-even on the 18th hole, with both.

tandems under par. By the time match was concluded on the 21st hole both finalists had scored additional birdies. It was amazing to see the drives of Bill King. Many were for 300 and one carried 320 yards. Althoughl he saw his drives end up in plenty of stalwarts of the fairways--Bill and more ways than one last weekend.

of the fast Wyantenuck CounTourney for, the fourth time was really that the brother tandem displayed fairways talking for many a moon. finest combination that has ever trouble on many occasions his second shots were brilliant as they made the green. As for Fran, his putting has them still shaking heads in wonderment: Time after. time he stepped up to the ball to ram it into the cup 15 and 20 feet away, for birdies. On the 20th hole he did it when the chips were down and: he had to birdie for a halt or the title.

And then on the 21st it was the same Fran who sent another putt home for the match winning birdie. By E. H. TOOLE PITTSFIELD SUMMARIES Midget Boys 20 yards freestyle--Won by Richard Shantz: 2d. Richard Gregory; 6d, James Chanen.

Time, 11.8. 20 yards backstroke Won James Quirk: 2d. Corky Schmoyer; Richard Shantz. Time, 10.8. Midget Girls 20 yards freestyle -Won by Maureen Conners; 2d.

Dana Clarke; 3d, Barbara Ellie, Time, 14.7. 20 yards backstroke- by" Maureen Conners; 2d, Barbara Ellis; 3d, Paula Spasyk. Time; 15.7. Intermediate Boys 50 yards freestyle- Won by Joseph Stockley: 2d. Bobby Shanta; 3d, Nick Knysh.

Time, 31.7. 25 yards backstroke- Won by Robert Shantz; 2d, Joseph Stockley; ad, John Lynch, Time, 18.0. Intermediate Girls 60 yards freestyle -Won by Holly Falls; 2d. Susan Connors; 3d, Lee Ellis. Time, 38.0.

25 yards backstroke--Won by Nancy Shea; 2d, Holly Falls; 3d, Brenda Spofford. Time, Junior Boys 50 yards freestyle Won by William Varanka; 2d. Larry Dauryn; 3d, John Thompson. Time, 29.4. 100 yard freestyle -Won by Larry Daury; 2d.

William 3d, Kimb Burbank. Time, 30 yards backstroke--Won by William Varanka: 2d, Barr Clayson 3d, Richard Nadeau. Time, 39.1. A 50 yards breaststroke--Won. by Kim BurLank; 2d.

Barr Clayson; 3d, Richard Nadeau, Time, 34.8. Junior Girls 30 yards freestyle- Won by Doris Shantz; 2d. Lucilla Fuller; 3d, Patricia McCarty. Time. 33.5.

100 yards freestyle--Won by Fuller; 2d, Doris Shantz; 3d, Patricia McCarty, Time, 1:23.8. -50 yards backstroke--Won by Doris Shantz; tied 2d, Barbara Sears and Patricia McCarty. Time, 11.8. Senior Men 100 yards freestyle--Won by Bob Somerville; 3d. Cy Henry; 3d, Allan Cassidy, Time, 1:00.

50 yards breaststroke -Won: by Cy Henry: 2d. Allan Cassidy, Time, 32.0. Barrington Golf Stars A One of the best golf pairs in Berkshire County are the King brothers of Great Barrington, Bill, left, and Francis. They paired recently to win the four -ball tournament: at the Wyantenuck Country Club, one of the top links events of the season. Berkshire Hills Swim Meet Due Next Sunday Richard, Robert and Doris All Emerge Victorious in Races at Pontoosuc Lake; More Than 800 Turn Out For Sixth Annual Swim Program By E.

Pittsfield, July 21-The city. meet was staged at the Pontoosuc, entry list of 65 youngsters competing nessing the aquatic spectacle run reation were some 800 parents and the races thrilling spurts were put their feet. Richard Shantz, competing ster. comes from a of mark. of a year ago.

The youngswimmers. was first in the 20-yard freestyle last with a time of 11.9 and in winning this afternoon he shaved A. 10th of a second off his old time. In the intermediate boys backstroke race, his older brother, Robert, upheld the. family tradition by winning with a time of 18.0 in the 25-yard competition.

Not to be outdone by the masculine members of the household, Doris Shante annexed the honors in' both the 50-yard freestyle and backstroke races for junior girls. Of the family, however, Robert is deserving of the greater praise for he showed marked improvement over the form displayed year ago when he placed second in the backstroke. Furthermore he edged Lynch who defeated him last summer. A real thriller was witnessed in the midget, girls' 20-yard freestyle event which Maureen Connors just barely won out over Dana Clarke by the close margin of two-tenths of a second. Her winning time in this race was 14.7 She was clocked at 15.7 As she came through victorious in the backstroke, event winners to join in the this ranks year's of meet.

In the intermediate girls' races. another close one was witnessed as Holly Fall beat out Susan Connors by the margin of two-tenths of a second. The winning time was 38.0 for the 50-yard freestyle event. The triumphant miss was vastly improved over last season when she received the third place ribbon in the same competition. The junior boys really put on spirited races.

William Varanka, who didn't up. swimming until three years ago, won both the 50-yard freestyle and the 50-yard backstroke. In this the 100-yard winner freestyle at 1.10.2 Larry with Daury the judges declaring Varanka second of Kim Burbank as the timers showed identical clockings. However, Burbank swam a sensational race to win the 50-yard breaststroke event. One of the finest racing forms was witnessed in the junior girls' events.

The 50-yard backstroke won by Doris Shantz saw Barbara Sears and Patricia McCarty tied for second with a time of 15.1 or just three-tenths slower than the winner. In the 100- yard freestyle real spirited race was waged by Lucilla Fuller, Doris Shantz and Patricia. McCarty who finished in that only fingertips apart. Cy Henry, 8 Colgate University swimmer, who won the men's title a year ago, won the 50-vard senior men's breaststroke over Allan Cassidy with a time of 32.3. Henry is a member of the championship New England junior men's 400-yard style relay team.

However, Henry finished second to Bob Sommerville in the 100-yard freestyle event with Allan Cassidy placing third in a most exciting race. Final positions were determined on the basis of the lowest time for the event with each competitor swimming only in one heat for any single event. However, in a few races the entry was such that those competing took their places in the four available lanes. H. TOOLE of Pittsfield's sixth, annual swimming Lakes Beach this afternoon with an for medals in the 17 events.

Witby the Department of Parks and Recswimming enthusiasts. In several of on at the finish to bring the stands to in the midget boys events, bettered ALLIES- WESTOVER LEAGUE GAME AT HOLYOKE MONDAY Teams Will Try for- Fifth Time to Decide First Round Honors Holyoke, July 21 The oft -postmust be played ed before the first-round poned Allies- game 11 which title is settled, has been scheduled a fifth time Monday night Mackenzie Stadium, President John Hickey of the Tri-County Baseball League, has announced. This game has been called off four times rain and is the only A game remaining to be played. A victory will give Allies the first-round! title but a defeat will toss the round into a. tie between Allies Polish Vets, The Allies snapped the Westover! second-round winning streak during the past week and the Flyers would like to return the compliment Monday.

Two league games are tap for tomorrow afternoon with Westover slated to play at Amherst and the Chicopee Falls Tigers scheduled face Palais D'Or at Rivers Memorial Park in Willimansett. total of nine league games scheduled for, the coming week. Fran Powling of Regal Appliance is the top batsman in the league with the terrific mark of .520, compiled 13 hits in 25 times at bat. Tony DeChristopher, a teammate of Powling, is the runnerup with 19. hits in times at bat for a .487 average.

Ted Szloszek of the Polish Vets is the top pitcher among chuckers. with five or more decisions. Indian Orchard hurler has won four games and dropped one. League standing, schedule and individual leaders: STANDINGS Westorer PCT. Palais Chicopee Colonels 3 .150 D'Or 2 .667 Allies Amherst AA 9 .600 ACHE .600 Regal Appliance 2 Springdale Turners .400 0.

Polish Vets .400 Chicopee Falls Tigers 5 SCHEDULE Palais Sunday: D'Or. Westover at Amherst, Tigers: Monday, Westorer at Indian Or-' chard at Turners. at Tuesday, Palais D'Or at Regal, Turners Amherst. Wednesday, Indian Orchard at Colonels. Thursday, Palais D'Or at Allies, Turners at Tigers, First-round game.

INDIVIDUAL BATTING (At Least 25 Times at Bat) AB Av. Powling, Regal 8 25 6 13 .520 Freniere. DeChristopher, Colonels Rela 12 39 19 19. .487 13 43 5 19. .442 Petti, Westorer 13 43 5 19 Page, Deady, Amherst 13 40 10 16 .400 Chicopee Falls.

28 11 Ferris, Regal 12 40 13 15 Partin, Westorer 13 38 5 14. .368 Black, Soskovic, Westorer 10 33 25 12 .364 00 9 PITCHING RECORDS (At Least Five Decision) IP HO SO BB PO 6 31 30 15 12 1. .800 Kareta, I. 0. 6 42 411 35 17 3 2 .600 Veto, Reed, Col.

6 6 33 40 38 26 22 13 3 500 31 19 2 3 .40) Garvey, 10. 54 70 27 20 2 4 .333 Wacelitz, T. 33 38 20 29 1 5 .167 MASS. VESTERN SPORTS (10 YEARS TODAY) CHICOPEE The Chicopee Soccer Club gained a moral victory by holding the famous Fore River eleven to a 2 deadlock at Imperial Park AS hundreds looked on. The Rovers, coming here with a national reputation, had been caiming the championship of the state for a number of years and gaining a tie with such a formidable foe was something to cheer about.

Scott, Logan, West, Burnett, Lowe, Tilley and Elder booted the pigskin for the stubborn Skiptowners. 35 YEARS TODAY BRATTLEBORO, Vt. With one man out, the Brattleboro Athletics scored an Important run in the seventh frame and went on to nose out. Ft. Dummer, 3 to 2, in a City League contest, Angler, Plumb, Filio Knight, Thayer, Chase, Kennedy, Atking and Johnson performed for Brattleboro while S.

Graves, Larry, Gray, Anderson, Urus, Mann, Heywood, Ruppert, Miner and W. Graves played for the visitors. Johnston permitted but four base hits and fanned 12 hitters to forge a Brattleboro victory. NORTH ADAMS Blackintons throttled Pittsfield's Independents in a league match, 9 to 5. Francis, Tarte, E.

Daly, Jeanton, West, Taft, J. Daly, Murphy and Hadfield played for the Blackies while Reynolds, Wechter, Stokes, Herzig, Clark, Garrity, Lucis, Dosco and. Allen wore Hillie colors. Jeanton and J. Daly each probed alien hurling for four hits.

Jones officiated. (30 YEARS TODAY) HOLYOKE The Transcripts took the measure of the Springfield Post Office workers on the 'Springdale grounds, 11 to 2. Creedon was hit hard while Hoffman held the Home City postal handlers at bay, working especially hard in the pinches, Post Retice, Ryan, players Creedon, were McNulty, Maloney, Den- Hac-1. ton, Butler, Zamm and Murphy, The Newsmen. reported with O'Connell, Hoffman, Ryan, Brien, Barrett, Cassidy, Craigie, Moriarty and DcF loving the game, 1 proud Holyokes issued a public challenge to a good Springfield Republican nine for a single 'game or a series.

Scoring a tally in the inning, the Foresters managed to tie the American Legion in a Fraternal League contest, 7 to 7, on the Pumping Station grounds. The tilt was called at the end of the 10th because of darkness. O'Grady and Charbonneau was the Forester battery while Dunbar and Spencer labored for the Legion. Smith umpired. 25 YEARS TODAY HOLYOKE James Kenney won the graveyard tournament at the Holyoke Country.

Club, being "buried" on the 19th. green. Ray O'Connell and Bernie Grady finished second and third, respectively. SPRINGFIELD The Ruth Elizabeths wrapped up their sixth straight conquest by toppling Moore Drop Forge, 5 to: 0, in a six-inning tussle played on the Ruth Elizabeth. field.

"Spud" Murphy, Donie Sullivan, King and Lyons spear -headed an 11-hit attack with two bingles each. "Dap" Green was invincible on the mound for the RL's, dishing. up three safes ties to the Forgers, two of them being a single and double by tireless Mike Latourelle. Other players on the winning team: were "Pop" Kelly, Carl Donovan, Bill. Phelan, Jay Donovan, Stanton, Oscar Bissonnette, Mack, Latourelle, Lewis and Walsh performed for the Forgers.

(20 YEARS TODAY) RUSSELL Those two old campaigners, Paddy Green of Russell and spitball slinger, Reagan of Strath.more, hooked in another Valley League tussle and what a tussle it single by Al Belisle, scoring Bernie Battles from second base Green in the seventh inning, gavel the nod over his rival by to Ahlfors, Battles, Mitchell, P. Green, R. Bull. Maki, Mazella and A. Green wore Russell uniforms while Bill Ensign, Joe Murphy, Walter: Wind gate, Morse, Chappy, Larmey, Martin Foucke, Plumley and Reagan labored New England AAU Title Races Listed On Program at Pontoosuc Lake; Springfield Union Sponsors Meet And Arranges for Some Special Events sixth annual swimming meet at right: The big three of the junior Lower left: The start of the midget Lower right: Cy Henry, left, sports senior boys' 50-yard breaststroke.

Pontoosuc Lake. Upper left: The girls' 100-yard freestyle. Left to girls' 20-yard freestyle. Lower the latest in swim styles after HORSE RACING RESULTS AT NARRAGANSETT mile 70 yards. claiming, 1-year-olds up, Billman Daralet ow.

Pederson) 18.20 8.00 6.20 Jewell) 5.20 4.00 Sky Chilla (J. Davern) 8,60 Raton, Time, 1.44 Telbeda, 1-5. Also Capt. Gallagher, field. Cencerro, Sea Fare.

GoldIrish R. Sassy Chick. No Sho. furlongs. claiming, 3-year-olds, Mocha (J.

Davern) 9.20 3.20 Steps Girl (K. Borgemenke) 2,80 2.60 2,80 Good Valley (L. Richards) 8.40 chianza. Time, 3-5 Also: Freddie Raum, MisSurroundings. Dinghy.

Market Hill, Mythological, (DAILY DOUBLE PAID $90.80) 6 a furlongs. claiming. 4-year-olds up, Good Sweep (L. Richards) 8.20 4.40 3.20 Sir Locks Stephen (K. Seawthorn) 8.00 5.20 (F.

Jenkins) 4.20 Skylighter, Alay: Fleet Roman, Rodeo, furlongs. FOURTH maidens, olds Navarez Son (J. Dewitt) 4.00 2.60 2.90 Kissas Granite (), Spinale) 3.40 2.60 Chips (J. Davern) 2.80 Gold Time. Roots.

1.13 2-5. Also: Puissance. Joe Cream, Capstone, Venturesome: 6 furlongs. claiming. 4-year-olds pup, Sickle Sue.

(R. A. Thompson) Klimie. 11.40 7.80 1.60 Homing Time, 1.11 Pigeon Davern) 3,20 Richards) 0 4.40 3.00 Double 0. Blue 4-5 Also: Sticker, Shoe.

Shine, Tail Fly. year-olds. 514 added Nursery. Stakes, Eds Pride Story (B. Fick) 9.80 3.80 Inst Master (K.

A. Thompson) 22.80 11.40 Fiddle (K. Stuart) 4,60 Teddys Time, 1.07, Rachel G. Frost, baba. Light.

a-Hipranolis. Dynastic. KhumService, Irograde. a Brew. c-Paver, C- Octeen, x-Handiwork.

a -Lowe entry. C--River Divide entry! A uD, furlongs. allowances. 3-year-olds Dukes Algasir (D. Mitchell) 4.40 3.00 2.40 Sedgeview Gal.

Richards) 4.80 3.00 (R. Fisk) 3.00 ing 1.1'. Also: Pictus, De Luxe, WhirlBat. Rov. up, 1 EIGHTH 1-16 miles.

claiming, 3-year-olds Rough Cookie (E. Rodriguez) 7-Bigdome 14.20 6.80 4.40 Sunnycrest Gal Spinale) 11.80 6.20 (K. Seawthorn) 3.00 plared Time, 1.16, second. z-Finished 1st. disqualified and Jet Star, Also: Kouli Khan.

Alairne. Alba. Golden Clover, Eight Bells, Pont 3-16 miles. claiming, 4-year-olds up, Steel Bull (R. A.

Thompson) 21.20 8.60 4.60 Hasher (R. A. Borgemenke): 1.80 3.20 Play Request (E. Rodriguez) 3.60 tree. Time.

2.01 1-3. Also: Excelente. WhiffleQuatrefoil. Painted Svengali, Arrow, Crack The Whip. Bennys Agent, Unapproachable.

AT EMPIRE CITY 6 furlongs. claiming, 4-year-olds up, Algie (.. Kirkland) 11.00 5,30 4.00 Blue Fedora (N. C'ombest) 6.50 5.30 Aleatory (C. McCreary) 7.00 burg.

Time. Sir 1.13 2-5 Also: Gay Song. DrakenslIal, Joanns Roots, Big Time. Bleu, Tumb. Tumbler, Hell Bent, 1-16 miles.

claiming, Ready (N. Wall) 16.30 6.80 3.60 Windeliff (C. Corolla) 5.30 3.10 Time, 1.46. 4-3. Also: Ballachulish (G.

Hettipger) 3 2.70 Chance Dandelion, Waltino, Way. Brava Irish, Lord Grall, Without Fear, Hextor, Ideal, Worldly Wise. (DAILY DOUBLE PAID $90.10) furlongs. claiming, 2-year-olds, Busy Sixnal (N. Combest) 8.80 3.40 2.90 Grover (E.

Guerin) 2.90 2.50 Joe K. Lewis (G. Hettinger) 4.70 Time, 1.0t Also: (1. T. Mail, Blue Danube, Whitsuntide, Brother Ghost, Hals Jesting.

maidens, 2-year-old colta One geldings furlongs. Throw (K. 6.00 3.70 3.00 Handsome Teddy (H. Woodhouse) 6,10 4,20 The Minor (C. Me 4.50 Time, 1.07.

Also: Warpath, Lions Share, Copper James B. Capt Paul, Seventh Fleet. Paramount Pete. 6 furlones. allowances, 3-year-old fillies Fiora (S.

Cole) 23.20 10.20 1.10 Algerian (0. Scurlock) 5.40 3.40 Be Modest. (C 2.70 Time, 1.12 4-5. Eye One Two, Eraser, Lamar, Ellen Deas, Sugarbush, Card. sandspades.

2-Bryan (0. Scurlock) 4.30 5.50 3.50 8-year-olds 15 up, 1 1-16 miles. added Questionnaire 1-Arise (K. Guerin) 2.30 2.90 2.30 Mr. Trouble (N, Wall) 3 3.20 Time, 1.13 2-Deat Heal To Win.

Also: Bit O' Fate, a -More Sun, a Chains. a -Brookmeade Stable entry, maidens, 2-year-old colts geldings furlongs. This Side (E. Guerin) 12.20 6.10 3.90 Elias (N. Combest) 5.60 3.30 Secant (K.

Bernhardt) 3.40 Time, Also: Jaco. Whatdouno, Brave Bim, Sao Paulo. Kings Tip, Carbeau, AlberDarle, Mr. Turf. Li miles.

c'aiming, n-year-olds up, Wagram (R. Reeves) 118.40 66.60 35.90! Preacher (0. 17.40 11.40 Burts Reward (C, Campbell) 16.40 Hombre. Carolina, The Newspaper, Billy Flying Bart, Mane, Miss Cam- Time, Also Mossy Face, Approval; panielol: AT MONMOUTH aclaiming, 3 year olds, furlongs. Jolly Pet (R.

Nash) 19.40 10.40 Kalluki Stout) 10.00 Pittsfield, July 21-The fifth annual Berkshire Hills pionship swimming meet, sponsored by The Springfield junction with the City of Pittsfield Park and Recreation staged at the Pontoosuc Lake Beach 'here on Sunday This popular swimming competition is sanctioned by the Association of the Amateur Athletic Union of the United dition to the AAU title races, there will also be special BASEBALL SCHOOL AT 'HAMP DIAMOND. OPENS TOMORROW St. Louis Cardinals to Conduct Two-Day Tryout at Kearney Field The St. Louis Cardinals will conduct their tryout camp at Kearney Field in Northampton and Tuesday under the able supervision of veteran Red Bird scouts Frank Crespi and Joe Cusick. Bring Own Equipment The tryout camp in Northampton will be one of many such camps held throughout the country during the summer in order to discover potential major league talent.

The Cardinals were the first team to use the tryout camp method in the major leagues, as well as the first team to originate the farm system, where players can gain the exverience and polish necessary to prepare them for the major leagues. The determine Red Bird whether scouts a at player these has camps the natural talent which can be developed into smooth perfection seen in the majors. The merit of this system is proven by the fact that Manager Marion, Red Schoendienst, Enos Slaughter, Solly Hemus, and Cloyd Boyer of the present Cardinal team were all signed at trial camps. All who intend to attend the tryouts beginning at 11 a. m.

each day are I asked to bring their own gloves and shoes, and uniforms if possible, as the Cardinals do not furnish such equipment. Any expenses incident to attending the camp will be refunded any player who signs a contract with any of the 15 minor league teams in the famous Cardinal farm system. TOMORROW'S SELECTIONS AT THE RACE TRACKS AT SARATOGA One best: Princess Rose. Best longshot: Fit Fiddle. Best parlay: Just 'Desert Repetoire.

L. sah. Sunnyland, Merry Reward, Hadas. 2. Basis, Sir Edgar, Solld Trick.

Fit Fiddle. Ribbed, Passing Hour. Princess Ros, Novel Request. Just Desert. Irony.

Gay Grecque. Repetoire, Northern Star, Elixir. Detective, Darnaway, Little Harp. Petrograd. Pop Bottle, Kidded.

AT NARRAGANSETT PARK One best: Rounding Ace. Clair Dauber, Blue Sage, Lady Kel. Boundingace. Trans Egret, Dash Quatre Clock. Little Stag, Duke's Boy.

Nome. Fancy Dan, Tunation. Changeaway, Direct Mister Mar: tonna. Sapajon, Mr. Joe Puck.

Related. Hard Held, Polson Arrow, Knight's Knave. Blue Row. Easy Spell. Biltrite.

Dancing Gob, We Hope, Tom Ferris. AT ARLINGTON PARK One best: Our Beauty. Our Beanty, Steamboat Bill, Ace Captain. Desert Ruler Provident, Yale. A Gleam, War Balla, Little Whim.

Peanuts Girl, Mescara, Silver Plate, Bloody Stop, Rohnst, Oil Capitol, Miche, Volcanic. Lasting War, Master: Mind, Rebel Raider. Mesabl. Irish Flare, Caramba. Bidanmade, Oatbarner, Hnrricane.

AT MONMOUTH PARK A One best: Guillotine. Santagna, Lady Herod, Dr. Himmy. Star Sospiro, Gnu. Delong, Howard Dear, Roz's Folly.

Barbareb.a, Toomba, Miss Fiddle. Idle Platter. Net Result, Stepchild. Guillotine, Saleiman. Istan.

Lets Dance, Rinaldo, Butler. Last Brigade, Zipper, Rising per. AT DETROIT One best: Bright Steel. Commitment, HI: Chrome, Night Blue. Alphas Choice.

Nicotine Gal, Tabby. Bright August, Sun Roy. Port Beaumont, Gall Jaci, Air Troop. Lady Pomp. Pixie Pat.

Misselect. Fleetridge, Anglebar. Chief John 0. I Stamaranth, Otaka, North Shore. Da.

Do, Holly Mar, Short Relen. events sponsored by Special In the men's competition be the New England yard freestyle relay the Massachusetts backstroke Springfield Union freestyle, championship, Springfield Union novice style. race open: to boys under 15. years Women entrants the New England AAU I chusetts State 100-yard style relay, championship, championship, The 50-yard Berkshire pionship, The novice 50-yard freestyle Berkshire County girls of age. In the AAU the competitors will be races.

There is no meet. is open to all athletes. However, number must be affixed blank when filed. Springfield Union and the novice events are not required they must. be County.

Entries should be to Robert, Gair, tics Department. tion at 52 School sachusetts, before 27, at which time the closed. The meet will at 2.30 next Sunday contestant must be swim suits by 2 p.m. As in past years, outdoor swimmers of Vermont, New Hampshire Island will be seen in events. Furthermore, to be conducted by Union for the young Berkshires will also entry of top swimmers known locally.

Too, Berkshire championship also prove most popular. Real stress is being Union's novice events, and it is hoped be 'an exceptionally from every community shires. Every boy and who has not reached birthday are welcome 'And of course The shire County Championships and women should also tionally -well with So swimmers in the county. the City- Wide swimming been held here today a real interest in championship of By E. H.

NEAAAU chamUnion in afternoon, July 29, New England States, In adBerkshire County The Union. Events there will AAU Juniors 400- championship, State 150-yard championship, The 50-yard Berkshire and The 50-yard freeBerkshire County of age. will compete in 400-yard freethe Massabreast-stroke Springfield Union freestyle ChamSpringfield, open Union to under 15 years championship events limited to two entry fee and the registered AAU the registration to the entry. In both: The championship races the entrants registered but of Berkshire mailed at once Supervisor of Aqua. of RecreaPittsfield; MasFriday night, July entries will be get under way afternoon and all at: the beach in the champion Massachusetts, and Rhod6 the AAU title the special races The Morning swimmers of the draw a large who are well The Union's events will Chitlin Switch' Gorman) 7.20 Justa Time, 1:13 4-5, Also: Kings Blessing.

Lucky Rose. Lady, Make Sway, Quirinus. Inajiffy, Justa Tiger. Boy Blue, Nottin. up.

6 maidens, 3. year. olds furlongs. Podoloff (R. Bauer) 52.80 22.20 12.80 Roman Type (W.

Balzaretti) 49.80 Aussie (C. Erickson) 32.20 Rig Time, 1:14 4-5. Also: Sandhurst. Free All, Brass, Retracer. Lucky; Mah, Flip Up, Kajocahu, Neddies Boy.

DAILY DOUBLE PAID $294.20 furlongs. claiming, 2. year olds, Blue Rhymer (J. Culmone) 3.00 2.40 2.40 Roman Secret (G. Luras) 3.40 3.00 Consus (F.

Bone) 4.20 Time, 1:07. Certainly, Sandvar, Orco. Sinn Fein. allowances, 2 year olds, furlongs. Top Rugged Side Boy (J.

Stout) 3.60 3.20 2.40 (F. Bone) 8.80 4.20 Pomace (1. Hanford) 2.80 Time, 1:07 1-5. Also: Knights Reward, Super Candlewood, Garamona, Razzoo, Sir Sidney, Sign up. 6 furlongs.

claiming, 4 year olds a Idle Father: Link (F. Fernandez) 6.60 4.00 3.20 Memory (D. Gorman) 6.40 4.40 Curtain Time (R. Lynch) 3.80 Time, 1:13 2-5. Also: Jungle.

Feast, Lucky Gallalad, Sir Sweep, added, Lamplighter Handicap, 3 year olds, 1 1-16 miles, Uncle Miltie (1). Gorman) 3.80 3.40 2.80 Golden Trend (H. Lindberg) 8.60 Roman Fair (J. Stout) 3.80 Time, 1:46. Also: Tom Shining Peace, Date.

Buzzing Joey Bee. Tildiz, King Clover, Boy. up. 6 furlongs." claiming. 3 year: olde Flying Weather (F.

Fannell) 14.10 5.80 3.80 Agrarian- (F. Fernandez) 3.10 2.60 Cherry Path (W. Lane) 3.60 Time, 1:12 2-3. Also: Sonofun. Trimship, Pollys Delay.

Reighs Double. claiming, year olds up, miles. Zuzie (J. Stout) 8.00 4.40 3.20 Let Me Thru Peterson) 5.60 3.80 Wily Willie (D. 5.20 Time, Also Valdina, Sentry, Reunion.

Royal, Luxuriant, Haj, Newtown, AT ARLINGTON PARK claiming, 1 year olds up. 6 furlongs. 5: Kilayr (H. Keene) 7.80 4.80 3.00 Bolo Pat (R. I.

Baird) 3.80 5,60 1. l'ercivale (E. J. Knapp) 4.00 Time. 1:11 4-5.

Also: Mint Tulip, Mrs. Valenti, Climber, Quatre: Blanc. Raffle Hoot House, Mon. Intinotto, Victory Banner, Sedgeling, 3. maidens, 1 year olds, 4.

Sub Fleet furlongs, A 5. (J. 1 Adams) 9.00 5,00 3.40 Model Quest (A. Gomez) 4,40 3.60 6. Sun Spin (D.

Dodson) 4.40 7. Time, 1:03. Also: Bangaway, Blue Dare, Upright, Yaleman, Indolence, Tarty King, Brown Pirate, Stuyvesant. 8. DAILY DOUBLE PAID $41.80 9.

furlongs. claiming, 3 year. olds, 6 Triumpho Gomez) 15.80 9.00 6,60 Miss Revoked (H. Schab) 6.80 5.20 Open Way (H. Keene) 7.90 1.

Time, 1:11 4-3. Also: Shifty Dora. Like 2. Stone, Tiger. Gyps Some Gold.

Friend. Char Lady of Time, Beauty 3. claiming, 4. year: olds 4 up, Sister Cora furlongs (R. on L.

turf. Baird) 5. 16.80 7.60 5.60 Moola (K. Church) 6.20 4.20 6. Play Time.

Again 1:04 (G. Porch) Also: 5.40 7. Gab, Show Place, 3-5. Greytown, 5 Tiger Auto Tom. Beau 8.

Choice Cut, Marabout. Message, allowances, 3 year olds up, fillies mares, furlongs, a-Jennie Ire (D. Dodson) 5.80. 3.20 2.60 Lithe (R, Baird) 6.60 3.60 Countess In (P. J.

Railey) 4.00 1. Time, 1 :22 Also: MiRA Highbrow, Wondring, Aris Mona. A- Witsful, -Calumet Farm entry. 1. 516 allowances 2 year: Gail furlongs.

(D. Dodson) 7.20 4.00 4. olds. 3. Office Neasons Best (W.

A. Miller) 4.00 3.40 3.00 Time. Party (T. 2-5. Atkinson) 3.20 5.

Also Pareu, Amour Amour. Shelby Lane, Scene One, Gushing 6. Oil. Jug Band 4:. sic.

3 olde. added, Arlington ClasSPAr miles. 8. c-Hall of Fame (A. Atkinson) Battlefield (K.

Arcaro) 2.13,60 4.80 3,20 2.60 3,60 Kuhn (D. Dodson) 3.80 bel. Time, 2:03 1-3. Also: Sonic. Rough'n Tumc-Big.

b-Longleat, Abhe. Sting. Stretch, Sir Bee Bum, a -Royal. tang, Spur On. 0-Bernwond.

A-8. E. Wilson, Jr. entry. entry.

0-Greentree Stable entry. claiming, year olde up. 1 1-16 miles on turf. SwAp Out (J. Adams) 4,40 3.80 Chitoe (A.

Gomez) 4.60 3.60 Little Captain (C. L. Martin) 9.20 Time, 1:44 2-6. Also: Charlot Wheels, Kay Gibson, Whirltown, Autan, Hedgewood. Harry claiming, 4 year olds up, miles on turf, Mella Oswego Dr.

(J. D. Jessop) 22.20 11.00 7.80 Valenti (A. Skoronski) 9.00 6.00 Dashing Don (A. Gomez) 8.60 Time.

1:46 8-5. Also: Hadamar. SedgeLord: good. Challaught, Insist, Up, Appeaser, Bull, Poignancy, Archibaldo, A Goshen, N. veteran harness 714.0 racing drivers who plan to compete in the 26th renewal of the Hamble.

tonian at Good Time Park on include: four-time winner Ben F. White, 78: Fred Egan, 71: Tom Berry. and. Guy Crippen. youngster of 59.

put on The 50-yard freestyle; that there will large entry list in the Berkgirl swimmer. his or her 15th to A Union's Berkfor men draw excepmany crack What with meet having there should be competing for the Berkshire County. TOOLE RACING RESULTS AT DETROIT claiming, 3 year olds. up. 6 Bubbins (G.

Walker) 6.10 4.00 3.00 Reau Koo (F. Redmon) 6.40 1.20 Halcyon Cross (J. Stewart) 4.00 other Time. Enora. 1:12 1-3.

Also: Boswell Queen, AnRoyal Just the Same. Fighting Pete, Pal. Result. Top Valley, Jatak, Gwennieslu*tza. up, 6 furlongs.

claiming, 4 year olds) 2-Gres Scout (J. Breckons) 3.60 4,20 Newsworthy (L C. Cook) 3.40 3.00 2.80 -Roots Best (A. Loturco) 3.40 3.80 Time, 1:11 3-5. Also: Acine.

Try Ike, Blabbermouth, Bowled over. Janteen. Boxie. 7-Dead heat for place. DAILY DOUBLE PAID $16.60 THIRD-01700, claiming.

4. year olds furlongs, South Covert (S. Armstrong) 45.80 16.90 5,00 (T. Barrow) 5.00 3.40 Long Horn (P. Tenaglio) 3 4.00 Time.

1-13 1-5, Big Dance, Liberty A. Golden Count, Winstay, Belmont Beauty. 3 year olds, furlongs, Flashy Kay (T. Barrow). 5.80 3.60° 3.00 Mr.

Sig' (la Cook) 5.00 4.00 Genial Jack (F. Redmon) 6.00 Time, 1:12. Also: Pixey Sal. Our Yonkela, Shoppin Shoes, Bofaye. "4 claiming, year olds up, miles.

Blewso (C. Headley) 11.40 5.80 3.80 Bold King (J. Reniter) 4.80 3. 6A Japhap (J. Breckons) 1.80 Time, 1:52 3-3.

Also: One Play, Prere Jacques. Sun Bound, Limerick Boy. claiming, year, olds up, 1 1-16 miles, Scotch Rim (T. Barrow) 11.00 5.80 3.60 Fertile. Lands (S.

Armstrong) 5.00 $0 Mr. Dink (W. L. Johnson) 5.20 Happy Time, 1:45 3-5. Also: Task, Treads Boy, East.

United Nation, olds, 8 allowances, 3 4 year furlongs. Scotch Jack (W. L. Johnson) 12.30 6.20 3.00 Evelyn 1. Loturco) 6.00.

3.00 a-Night Parado (J. Breckons) 2.20 Time, 1:11. Also: Jofeld. Heart Flash, a- Nice Tint. 8-Pollard.

and Harking and Forrest. claiming; 3 year up, 1 1-16. miles. Overnight (14 C. Cook) 4.40 3.49 3.00 Childeric.

(G. Walker) 5,80 4.80 puss* Willow (J. Breckons) one 6.20 Play Time. 1:16 4-5. Also: Fourteen Grand, At.

Blue Badge. Colinova, War up. claiming, year olds 1-1-16 miles. Amenecer (J. Breckons) 16.00 6.20 3.30 Polar Magnetic Star (N.

Armstrong) 4.40 3.04 Battle (H. Nanabria) 3.00 Claus, Bull Man, Storm Bird, lonely. Fene Time. 1:47. Also: Potentate Santa A New York Anton Karl: former Phillies' and Braves' now pitches for the New York Athletic Club.

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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

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Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.