Dayton Daily News from Dayton, Ohio (2024)

10-C Davton Daily Newf Sun, Feb. 11, 197S I IM'IOTMINT OPPCfTUNITlfS 1lMfLOTMfNT oiroiTUNmn IMPlOTMiNT 0l0TumT'IJ 1i ImKOTMtNT OffOtTUNPifS 1J IMPlOTMiNT li MitOrMtNT OfrCITliNITIC5 13 lMLOrfiKI OPI0rUNfTIIS 13 MPLOTMfHT OPPOfTUNfTIFS 13 IMPtOfMINT OMOtTUNITIH 13- IMPLOTMENT OMOffTUNITIfS NURSE AIDES OPKCRT. FOR GROWTH These are new positions nmmmd vt PART-TIME PHARMACEUTICAL SALES Wriior pram-ceutical turn i Come work for Medical Fertoiv MfNTi0 toe pay 4 benettis runrnfg or 'i cotor ao-jip Quanty wrk necessary Gem Ctty Litho, Inc. Vermont Ave ar can lit -(ft PERSONNEL GENERAUST- MOTHfcPS too require travel Earn tuft time nwwy showing a growmg company offering per-sorttti 9rown a dynamic work METHODS ENGINEERING swirg kidtvuli-ai tor posit -on jf iovev Lisa 3ewei'v at home Lot a mnLtclurr, tvii.Ofl 0 family nearo "vein person tae care ot Khoowje cttdrtn. NEW CAR SALES W4ktr tro Immrn erria'Mrere.

I. COST ACCOUtfTANT. IM n- parties viMmttii positions Foriune 500 cooorai on sks jw -w you mfw. 9 RetsemtiMe DiM(ntlaiij tm-Kj4j bee Mfterit cr retired person, Humm or i NORTH BKKPG. MACHINE OPR.

We are tgofcirn for rarktone e-peneoced on NCR 799, 300 er JjO to work temporary etstgn-menli. Ca new tor an atopf. MANPOWER, INC. TM0AJ1Y SERVICES atS MoN ST 274-7MJ uet'tieo MfMA IvT POSt'lOfl tor orofnonjfi a tee ei wamH of prcwytts to pnystciant. pnarrrka cisti nosp'is.

open. oo mesrrpm no coitexling 234- tiki ewson may oe u. lea mi ee mjnu'c'uf iny iTWinHH enijineer-mo AeMXCtHif ciuii hAWs e.umt- y4 4iy in martufacturmg job Lusting and estmeing. prpfer some fl uoi at wns and ivitems CcTie work for MEDICAL enfMwn! um or ton net machine tool, NC and PART-TIME iVvu'j tie awe to plan organize a-rivities in a mninr thai avare t'finency arot.iatMiity the A maior employer in Cltom-pain County, OH is saeitnq a Personnel 6enrnlist with plcnf "win. our itm Hart, excellent opportunity lot nl aeoMr rr.w Kreintci.

rwt If you: He rears recent experience ITa. 1 IMVEMTOr CONTROL Good pay and hexipte nours detfv et no Mvertiuna tiieraturc iWja tCHMtciAW. preference given to manual preciston ejtpmew. h. prc-aremrnir, prfwat on at umti -ficd'tons (or capiat ewwiTient, shop superwon, eic wwif eeni ie My tyt I yew- er'i'ory Applicant must Hve a coi-je de 9.

iwiiuva mrJtvKfcjai. Good Mir men, KcwWnl Iringt Mnefnt cwnMAy car. mc Amv mtiw je. at dklMt airli muaa AA.I has NATIONAL toua owwrurvty Employer W.F personnel eiperlence. experience ao performance stjpervtsino control records, systems, cortcixftng pnysical mvento- ana over mita nwe car lm Cih IA- io arrange a certt- Uufnantflno wortnr.9 tnviroomeni gree or eu vgrtcrKi 4 a strong in term seuirrtj raraer.

E-penance ii iaHf-s a eUn is buf American Advertising w-i Of Fir; TRAINFF uviiipw Ktifp rum rsr coordtoaiing with sae and ecetiem salary era ifirvoes Snd rnumi and salary reo.jire- Recent MS Oad wna acmfy le ad-! not a rftauit-emem. vve oroytoe a PART ftME- Greet customers, and demosirate ffne home furnith- The successful candidate will SALES MANAGER pr (xjuc uo oepw rments. Uaries will oe competitive mer-fs to Bui Dayioft, fwws- varice wirn prancn or nan hrm Typing Phone Some ouMc conlacf DENNY EGGER WALKER BROS. IMPORTS 864 N. MAIN ST.

proiessional Saie tracing pro gram. you cuiai 'd ac nos. arid errev-orm our snow- hjt SS degree and be ei. Growth avtenttaf in an exoerHiirsg company Sena resurne witn n- room, uav'on ii area Comuwie siij wx io start. Lioeret eenetus Eaoer, i Luaiow ytoo.

Oh E4uf Ooooftun.iv Emotover MF NURSE (CHARGE) cept this cnaitertgtng opoortunily. SPECIALTY FASTENERS nas fhstorf to. PERSOMMfeL training provided t'be hours. Ho jrlv raie oonusv Aooiv kViafl- I.SH ucris wens 774-IV4I Ntu. NG IE 2nd A Lie Emp Aecv.

perienced ia several of the lei lowing: employet relofions, safety, affirmative action em mg's Clock Shop, Soutn Towrte eotv Boi Kit. Dayton Newt oaoefi li 45 Luetic Day MHO VQUC 'VUifT't 10 fW JAVfc MARSHALL District Ws MstThtear 4 1 Ra 0.k ct. FreJo, Oh. 4sel Eaual Opp. ftrvry fcma, MFH cenire mi rn.

Ira ihtff position tn me emereencv room Ouatiftcailioni irx indo ori- OFFICE NEW YOK Ufa PRINTING SALES Eicetienl position. Salary, miniiion. Car Allowance arte F. nys Live arcOsjct" iart m-fTajdioieiy KeoHes Confidential i rjofion Newspari inc 45 Liadiow, Oaviun. Oh Pefr-gerstor Mfr 8 FEE PAiD Call Jack yvarrj SNtLLNG 3 2nd.

Lie Erne Agtv "production MACHINE SHOP FOREMAN Heavy exoener.t.e set-u ot turret letrtes, drill presses, broaching m'ftng 4 hocorng mar nin Full beneit prcgrarn. SALARY OPFN Write or call Terry at UST -Mountaineer Trtors, 4540 yVihington Charteton, yV. Va. Phone 304-744'SeaS. pRoducrkw, kWSuler gn volume Davton-Sprirrgfietd area pacttdging manufacturer desires aggressive production Kduier, Cbmpeiilive wges and rrinve betefil program, jend resume lo box 4i4v, Ortvton Newspapers 45 S.

Ludlow Davton, On to 45402 rcn, An Eouai Opoortuflltv Emolover PART-Time maintenance oduot tsr ww prm i INDUSTRY PRODUCTS CO 500 STATLER RD. PIQUA, OHIO 45354 An Equal Owor Employer MOLD MAKERS MOLD DESIGNERS FLORIDA OPPORTUNITY ployment and training. EXCEL Tvoing, finance experience, Far Me cat U)J aff from en accredited Kfioo. of nursing and currently Hcensed to practice the State ot Ohio 7rvi, on. (unity avatiabte (or gerverei repairs tor renial prrpefty.

Serd resume letepnone pervonatiiy, downtown kxaiion, ax client teneiiii. Send LENT salary and benefits for PHARMACIST icewem senary and benefits Biue to: Patterson Road, Day ton. Onto 4M30. resume k9 Box 72I, Oavion rots. Due yiteu.

pao tVMiaays. the perion with 2-4 years of ei Paid Trawune Etecfrenics Reeair For independant store operation NEEDED NOW excei-ent salary new modern newspapers a. Ludtow Oav ton, 0 440? One of the nation's laraes ouaHty NO EXP. NECESSARY ON THE JOB TRAINING SEVERAL OPENINGS Kuwnem ana eoucaiagnat assist perience. Send resume PASTE UP ARTIST Men and women 33 diyh hoot grads or seniors, good part-time mv after tramino, 4 year cntleoe wtm owoersi-ip oppw tunilies.

aoi 41, Forest Park, i-'Oi onwte sotieifori trofn our of ance. moid buiiaing families is expand Ing, creatine the need tor 20 tour- fice working on a communion Kev Una. must ha in tvaina Mint' OMEGA OIL CO. tuii-on availaCie CaN ne-men moid mer and 2 moirt Phone solicitor weded-fi'j setting-lull or part time m-htt, oasts. Can Mon and lues.

12 p.m. mum 3 years tob experience. Can Now aupwein, k) Oayte ares. Qualtflcaliorri: to am. in wm designers e'oeoenced yn production, ptastic mitctioft moM cuiteci.

iAM 4PM Mon-at or vis" the Oio Air Guard, Springfieid AMBULATORY CARE CENTER 147 MMTirlHirt Cftrv4lt Rst Dayien, Orwe An Eava Opportunity Empiovtr ApfMlotiont being taken for station heap Some i NEED EXTRA CASH? butidina. Top pay 1 excellent Pipe i sheo vve-dirtg PAYROLL CJert A General eftce lyvumetpai irpon. personrwt, mciudirg atienoents, assist managers, and managers ing hr-ictui, Ci ht-itt uooie eote Fiji or par Mime, Sarah Coventry went. Muu 4 Sens, wmstaa O.M.C. P.O.

Box 32055 Cincinnati, OH 45232 Ewjat Opportunity erne. MFH from 4 30 io nm MofKjay tttrui raid Irainina. vie iliant. nrtl jewetry. Kit mrnijr-ea, no delivery.

Nursing Friday ai lA6-2ift. MaiAoement positions availeDM. PERSONNEL DIRECTOR Z3 Stmt tatow trrrra But set wcauarv 1 ItnniMi awaiiilwi insurance, txcet. future tor those who want to succetd. Apply In person only, 16J Woodman ii-tni, tae wry.

WeH versed tor admms'ering ail Ot tier's, tnchiolng: pan) hoivs, luck pav, va alton, meuicaf tt'e profit sftarino, i fronu plans. Can or snJ rwume: TOOt WHO INC 24C1 72)4 St Nwlh Si refersfcura. Fva. Ji7M Cal IIU) 34-2401 "CRNA PLANT ACCOUNTANT emptover -employee relationships PARTS MANAGER 'o 3 iwn. 3 oays per weeK.

OFFICE MANAGE fcquat Opportumly Emotover in a smaH rrvanufrK luring en -ment Salary ranjino to SIS.UUO de CinciwiaM aroua af Afmttmlaio- Rao'dly expanding division of I coojitorneraie reauires an act ount-l ng grad'ia'e with a rrt.nimum ot 4 Quality Co. Newt Competent and Dependable Person. Customer for kilorvitw soot Cat gists has need tor CRNA's with pending upon bar.Kground. Submit resume and salary huorv to: Bux US-72M OWNER OPERATORS PHARMACIST FuH-time or parl-tfme. No Sjn-dsys or Holioavj Berfits.

Fidelity Prescriptions, 24-IOJl MONE BROKER Excellent Fast growing tmeort dealer need! eugressive Individual lo act at Parts Manager This is a profes sioiiaf position and requires an experienced and well rounded indi Sery Buoxkeewng, Typing. StS AK Call Mrs. ttoss 29-72fl Davton Newspapers Inc. 4i CLASS A Carrier now hiring experienced Qualified men our (or East Coast operation- Home week SNELUNG IS63 6. Dorothy Ln OPPORTUNITY UNLIMITED Ludtow v.

uaytun, on. 4M02. minimum years experience, board certified or eJietOfe. Excellent starting salary and fringe Benefits. Calf 513-177-1034 for more informettoa or send resume to aKLWt lw II AIM t.J.-,j opportunity.

Call Mr, Green, Century Finance Toft Free, I WO IVWoSe LtC fcm. A0CV. vidual willing to take charoe of an exceitent Parts Dept. and tmorove years experience in the manutac-lurmg area, fcnoe- ience in cost inventory conlrol m'orma'ion systems, day to dav eomin.strahcn of corporate ac couniirrg tunctions are only a part of the iob reouirrjmen's perience and knowledge of end-user systems in daU proreinu PPRSONNM SFf'V What reward do vou expect trom vour worh' A chance to ute vour mind and abilifiet. mo security or PflOOlXTlON SUPERVISOR G'owtng manutaciurtng firm in the Davton- pfinyiieid area needs experienced oroduclion supervisor, preferably in the packaging held.

Compeititve wages, good fringe benefit atd profit sharing programs Snd rewme to Box 4I5, Dayton Newspaoers Inc. Ludtow St Oavton, Ohio 4MU Pivrfesxional Maintenance, need four ppouie. Sidrting rs'e 14 an ho.iT, n.jnis. References required Ore Si jper visor, rate commensu-ra a with ability ir.o references. ends, Company benefits, two check systems are steadily in on it.

Salary plus commensurate Rapidly growing firm oHers infer V.lflf,HITIM, UP IDa), esiir a position to vert, hie ener PHARMACIST COLD CIRCt STORES, INC. DtVIVON Of fpdpbitpd nt-PT CTnoat with experience. Can Trane al Hidy HontM for an appointment creasing business has created openings for ten units at our Pmua terminal. Trailer furnished If OCCUPATtONAL THFBAIHC' getic person 1175-200 Liberal Benefits FFE PAID rail nnrl. are vou unnappy witn your salary A opoortunily to conlrol your own deslmv.

for information write Shackle Distributor. Box Community mental health center 47yM4 renuirimtwt Salary uo to neeoea wrj-avoe. seeks registered occupational Wells 27.4-m) SNELLINci 3 2nd Futt hmt positMMi avaitiiiMe. at A LIC Cmp A9CV. eicena erancn, wuoowown, o.

4S042 rneraoisr io consult with inpatient psychiatric orogr or J-10 hrs wklv. Flexible scrteduting compeii- ORDER DESK SECURE, substantial extra incorne, wnn fxeniii trmje benetu pacn aye ena resume to Ptrsunnei Kartton Irduslrigs, St Rt W. 36, Paris, Oh-0 PL klif engineer "Begree, exoerV wee BAWuN. W. Wonument, 22MM86.

Lie. Emo. Agcy PHARMACIST iive nourry raie. can w-jvua or write to: Sco Sheety, Personnel can oe vours in 3 mo. using vour Eicftfit itartvng satarv- bniettt ExcfMrtot werttng cendttain.

Send retume te Mr. Jerry tkoreing, P.O. Box tU, 171 Hunttev Worthingten, 0 Accurate typul with pleasam phone voice. Previous office ex PCI Needs mature attractive person caoable of typing 50 worn, personaote in handling phone caftv neat dresser, wiling to travel. WiU work specifically for president of firm AH benef''s paid 3 years ei-periexe required.

Apoty In person et PCI Eteclronics, 2324 E. River Rd Davton OH ar rjtU IK i tastway Community Mental iron -proouc nve nrs. ror personal interview call S59-S316. perience required. Apply to: Box nee cenier.

ioaui vnithwiii uayion Newspapers, 4 Full time position available In Oavion area tor registered Pharmat ist Exceitent comcanv da id beiwfits no, uayion, eMUJ, PARTTtME CAFETERIA POSI- Ludlow Uavton, OH 4S402 An tquat upportunitv Cmpiover OFFICE MANAGER Automobile Dealership Prefer experienced in G.M. accounting systems. Excellent working conditions. New facilities. Major benefits include Hospitalization, life Insurance, Pension Plan, etc.

SEXO RESUME TO PCX 2097 COTS NEWSPAPERS. IXC. TIUNk UHtN 1st 3rd Sh'ttS Davton AAcsH area. Phone: feJIOJ PHONE SALES Good working conditions witn 293-43. An Equal opporlunily empfover 3 to 5 tor acof.

PROGRAMMER ANALYST FEE PAID Degree, 3 veart iwifu-f ml.i POOL MANAGER Managerial eP In physical activl-hes pciol myrnt Wrtter safety in-slfuctor cerfifii ate hghiy desirable. eves. opporiumty ror advancement, t-or complete details, call District Man-ager, Mr. Heenan al Need person with clear speaking voice that hoes to work with peo 5le. Salary plus commission.

Call 4, aS4-4JM. OH AT DRUO STONES, INC, Equal Opportunity Employer MF PRESSMEN have PL 1 ianguaoe Continental Consultants, Inc. Suite 8St Taibotl L.c DAPt'iA Memfier 45 S. Ludlow St. Dayfoi, Ohit 45402 Journeymen experienced, 2 or 4 color Apuiy brown Kroger Printing 47i0 Wads worlh Rd 93) BRAKE AIID ALIGNMENT rJlECHAL'SC Goodyear Tire Center hat permanent position for experienced Brake and Alignment Mechanic, senefrts Include paid vacations, free hospitalization and insurance.

All mformcrhon wiU be kept confidential. Interview will be arranged ot your convenience. GOODYEAR TIRE CENTER 3 1 S. BROAD ST. FAIRBORN, OHIO 878-3612 An Equal Opportunity Emplorer PRCC3AM ME3AM AIYSIS leapomibli tw eerionwng tat duats et Special leqweit toyoMwr, oVyatooinfl largt stoit oArwyotne computer progroiis and system oVtign.

Duties inckfdt anotyzing ipeaal Ptqunh to oVtermine teorettwtti and protedum, desioing, wrttwg. arwryiing, Nshng and documenfino compulsr program; preponm) lysiWM, procjroxMiwii end ussr doaancntohon. kxk ground data processing with wodung kneedge of various coeiputtr bnaJoge, Kktde PL 1 and or COBOL and dotivhcd sottwan packogn. Ability to perform rwitHemolicol and statittical hivchom and analyie fne needs of non tichnkol wen. Send resume to: MIAMI UHIVEStSITY PERSONNEL OFFICE Room 2 Roudebush Hall Oxford, OH 43036 An tqval Opportunity mphyr SALES MOrWRCK SALES OPENING A chance for a great opening in automotive sales.

Excellent pay plan, insurance plan. Good working conditions. Paid vacation, large inventory, and car furnished. Apply in person, ask for Bob Hoberty or Herm Honeck. No phone calls please.

GRAHAM LIXC3LH MERCURY 5271 SALEM AVE. large GM Dealer is looking for new car Sales Monacjer. Must be able to direct and motivate large sales staff. TOP CLOSER. Send returns to BOX 23S6 Bavton Nswtoaaers, Inc.

45 S. Ludlow St. Caytoa, GH 45432 Electronics INSTRUMENTATION TECHNICIAN Electronics ALARM MAINTENANCE MECHANIC Immediate opening on second shift for a Maintenance Mechanic to perform installations, seasonal maintenance, and overhaul on various equipment. Will install and repair plumbing fixtures, performing required welding, and do all types of carpentry. Uses various hand tools as well as maintenance and test equipment.

Outside work and climbing to various heights included. Journeyman level or equivalent experience is required. For an application call 865-2127. EMPLOYMENT MANAGER Monarch Marking Systems r4 Pitney Bowes P.O. BOX 608 DAYTON, 0.

45401 An Equal Opportunity Employer INSTRUMENTATION TECHNICIAN We ore on of tha nation's leading producers of uranium and have an immediate requirement for a qualified Instrumentation Technician with years industrial instrumentation experience and vocational schooling in both electronics and penumatics. We are in a beautiful locale north of Gallup, New Mexico and offer exceptional fringe benefits and competi ANALYTICAL CHEMIST We org seeking a degreed individual with kibrkatton end analytkal chemistry background to conduct research on lubricants for use with bearing assemblies and other mechanical devices spacecraft. The work wil' entail characterization of candidate lubricants including chemical composrtion and performance in a variety pf envirorsfnents including vacuum, lubricant degradation mechanisms and products of degradation will also be determined. The researcher will be responsible for the direction of other professional and technical personnel. Imtrv mental techniques involved will include gas and liquid chromatography and u'fro-violet, infrared, and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.

Past experience moth spectrometry and vacuum technology is also desirable. Apply in person or send detailed resume to: R.C. ARTMAN Personnel Administrator UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON RESEARCH INSTITUTE Eng. Laboratories Bldg. Room 521, Main Campus Dayton, Ohio 45469 An Equal OpportuniryAilirmcihve Action Employer.

Qualified minorities, women and handicapped persons are CENTRAL STATION MONITORS Dayton's fastest growing business alarm company currently has openings for installers and central station monitors. Work with the latest design in alarm systems. One year alarm experience necessary. Apply: LAB TECiinicmn i An immediote opening exists for a lab Technician who will be responsible for testing variable transformers, voltage controls, power supplies and related electronic and electro mechanical products. Duties will include some bread boarding and prototype construction.

The successful applicant will be able te work with a minimum af supervision. An associate degree or military technical training and experience will meet our requirements. We ofer a competitive salary and excellent fringe benefits. you are looking for a position tive salary. Please forward your resume and salary history to: Brenda Morgan UNITED nUCLEAR witn a challenge call Tom lubbers 253-1 191: CORPORATION MIAMI VALLEY ALARM AND "1 Mining Milling Division UNITED P.O.

Drawer QQ NUCLEAR SIGNAL COMPANY, INC. 1026 East Third Street Gallup, NM 87301 CORPORATION encouraged to apply. equal opportunity employer mt 301 GADDIS BLVD. 223-3424 Dayton, 0. 45403 An Equal Opportunity Employer 1 TilAIIITEIIAIlCi EliGIIlEEii ''T't TTTTTI ri CMrilklCCDC MOMRCH aallVII1laklet 4 THERMADORWASTE KING, a leader in the ryf cooking products and kitchen appliance in- dustry has immediate openings for qualified, re-1 a.

1 suns oriented engineers, iur consisreni growrn i pattern enables us to offer on outstanding car-1 Industrial Chemical Plant KAUUFACTURIfiG MANAGER Tool And Deep Draw Dies Sheller-Globe Corporation, a leading Fortune 500 monufocturer of automotive components, has an exceptional opportunity for a manolacturing manager at our City Machine plant located in Toledo, Ohio. This plant designs and builds DEEP DRAW STAMPING DIES for the automotive and related industries. Reporting to the Plant Manager, the selected individual will be responsible for directing oil manufacturing activities of the plant. It is a motor manufacturing facility, employing about 130 people and requiring the capabilities of a manager who has experience in the manufacture of DEEP DRAW STAMPING DIES and a solid background in supervising manufacturing skilled personnel. This position offers significant professional challenge, long-term career potential with a major muhS-division manufacturer, an excellent salary and comprehensive benefits including relocation assistance.

To be considered for this exceptional opportunity please send your resume in confidence to: Norman R. Lawson, Director of Employment SHELLER GLOBE CORPORATION 1505 Jefferson AvenueToledo, Ohio 43697 eer opportunities to individuals with back-1 grounds in our industry or related fields. 4 We are located in the Los Angeles area of southern California, which has on excellent year-round climate and provides the finest in i 'j i i educational insriTunons ana recreational tacili ties. LLLDIXS KAXUFACTORER OF INSTRUMENT CONTROL PAXELS We have been retained by an Ohio based company to find an individual with sales or marketing experience in a related industry (electric, electronic, instrument). The company is one of the largest in its industry and is rapidly expanding.

Advancement is planned for qualified people. Excellent compensation package including: salary, profit sharing plan, car expenses. Send resume to: WILSON ROSS CO. 1 Allegheny Square Pittsburgh, Pa. 15212 An Executive Search Firm Exclusively Employer Retained A Licensed Employment Agency SENIOR PRODUCTS BESiGH EXGIKEES Dish washer-di sposets DESIGN EXSIKEERS Up to 5 years experience, dishwashers-disposers SEXIOR MANUFACTURIXS ENGINEERS Otshvrasher-disposers-cooking products We're Miles Laboratories, an expanding pharmaceutical manufacturer and currently we have an opening for a qualified Maintenance Engineer.

You will be involved with the design ot new systems, maintaining and controlling a large volume spare parts system, establishing preventive maintenance programs, and coordinating expansion projects, and production. Established vendor contacts, 3-5 years experience, and the ability to learn all aspects ot maintenance for an expanding Industrial chemical plant desired. We oiler a competitive salary, comprehensive benefit program, a pleasant work environment and the opportunities you've been looking for. 6nd resume in confidence to: Miles Laboratories, Inc. i Personnel Director CltrO-Tech.

Division 5600 Brentlinger Drive Dayton, Ohio 45414 DESIGNER COMPONENT PACKAGING (TEMPORARY) Monarch Morking Systems, a leading manufacturer ol retail price marking and merchandise identification and control systems has an immediate need for an Eledrical- Mechanical Designer to join our Special Products Development group for a three (3) month period to package electronic and electro-mechanical subassemblies into a final unit. This assignment includes the design packaging concept, selecting appropriate mounting hardware, interconnection systems, and cabinetry. This assignment is ideal for a retired person who is seeking a short term design challenge. Packaging design experience is a must. To orrange a persona! interview, please call the Employment Office at 865-2 127.

EMPLOYMENT MANAGER Monarch Marking Systems pjjjj Pitney Bowes P.O. BOX 608 DAYTON, O. 45401 An Equal Opportunity Employer MAXUrASTUHliiS ENSEKELnS i Up to 3 yean experience INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS 3-5 years experience in time study, methods and layout. An quo Opportunity Employer MF lf interested in becoming part of an expanding management team where abilities are recognized and in relocating to sunny southern TrnriT- nnn nmttiff an California, please forward resume or inquiries 4 Miles Laboratories, Inc. IVIILE! to Manager, Industrial Relations: AN EQUAL OPfOarUNITV EMPlOrCft MF THERMADORWASTE KING Llrt.sf Harris MtstriM llfslistrictll.e.

Las lafiles, CI Model Equal Opportunity Employer MF AAAAAA A A4iAAA A Computer dicers Professionals HIMIIU1 FIELD SALES ENGINEER ENGINEERING OPPORTUNITIES A leading and highly integrated manufacturer of lighting and related electronic equipment for tha transportation industry has immediate openings in our engineering department in tha following areas: Group Engineer Tha qualified candidate will have experience in tha design and manufacture of high volumelow cost products. Responsibilities involve supervising design group for lighting products in ground transportation and general aviation. Industrial Designer The qualified candidate will have degree in Engineering Design with previous experience in the field of Industrial Design. Responsibilities involve design- ing of interior equipment for passenger accommodations. For Immediate Openings with NCR in Dayton you're looking tor Interesting, challenging work as well as good pay and top benefits, get in touch with NCR.

Our large manufacturing facility In Dayton has openings for responsible, skilled Model Makers with plenty of initiative. You win construct and test engineering and pre-production prototype models and test fixtures for various business machines based on engineers' directions or personalty originated work. You wl trace out and diagnose mechanical or electromechanical difficulties and work with engineer to effect modifications. You must be able to set up and operate machine tools with exacting and unusuaty close tolerances on parts produced. To apply, please write: Mrs.

Judith ChoraztwrU, Engineering Manufacturing, Dayton Em Mechanical Engineer Control Data Corporation has several career opportunities available in its Cincinnati and Dayton facilities. We ore looking for individuals with a strong FORTRAN background (Bachelors' degree and 2-6 years' experience) and a desire to achieve and maintain a reputation for excellence, reference will be given to candidates with experience in a CDCHoneywell environment. The Ohio Branch of Control Data Corporation's Professional Services division has established itself as a leader In the area of consulting services. Control Data Corporation a people oriented worldwide corporation offering career positions, competitive salaries based upon experience and performance, and an excellent benefits package. If you are interested in enhancing your career by joining with a lender in the computer industry, send your resume and salary history in confidence toi J.

P. Maxwell CONTROL DATA CORPORATION 3131 South Dixit Drive 1000 Cox Plata Salle 30ft Dqytoe, Ohio 4543? Continued growth creates this opportunity for an individual with a superior set of brains and these important credentials: Integrity Initiative 4-6 years' experience BSME or equivalent Sales experience with precision bearings, electromechanical or rotating assemblies or analogic devices. You wiH assist established customers in the design and application of precision ball and spherical bearings to his product line. No weekend travel (mid-week travel approximates 20-25). This is a salaried position with a superb benefit package Including profit sharing.

Great growth potential. Reports to Chicago office. Resumes and salary history to Peter G. Kidder, Director of Personnel, New Hampshire Ball Bearings, Peterborough, New Hampshire 03458. STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! i "Where will I be and what will I be doing 5 years from today if I continue what I am doing now? We have two sales positions to fill in this area which can develop into management for the right person.

You can immediately expect to: Attend a formalized training school minimum two weeks training, expenses paid. We'll train you in tfie field selling and servicing established accounts. Be guaranteed up to $3,000 during in-field training period. Be given the opportunity to advance rapidly into management. Sell primarily to business and professional people.

TO QUALIFY Be bondable, and have good references. Ambitious Dependable 1 Aggressive Sports-minded Own a Car Be 21 or older FOR THE RIGHT PERSON THIS IS A LIFETIME CAREER OPPORTUNITY WITH AN INTERNATIONAL COMPANY. FOR A PERSONAL QUALIFYING INTERVIEW IN YOUR AREA, CALL: Combined Group of Companies DANMYEKS (614) 891-2799 or 891-2843 Feb. 12, 10o.m.-5 p.m., Feb. 13, 8 30o.m p.m.

An Equal Opportunity Imployer MF dSMe witn 2-4 years experience. Responsibilities include design, proposal preparation and coordination of all support functions of mechanical projects. Electrical Engineer 8SEE with 24 years experience. Responsibilities include design, proposal preparation and coordination ployment Dept. I4H, NCR Corporation, Dayton, of all support functions ot electrical projects.

ONo 45471. Or cal (513) 449-Z141. the Dayton area, cat COLLECT. We offer excellent starting salaries, competitive benefits package and tha opportunity for advancement with a well established and expanding company. Send resume and salary requirements to Neil Meermans, Grimes Division, Midland-floss Corporation, 515 North Russell Street, Urbane, Ohio 43078.

NEW- 17. nASfranifie ball bearinos. inc. Complete Computer Systems An equal opportunity employer aW eejTIMOIOUOH. H.

An Equal Opportunity Employer HMD fP CONTRPL DATA Mac' corporation More Than A Computer Company An Affirmative Action Employer MF An Equal Opportunity Employer MF.

Dayton Daily News from Dayton, Ohio (2024)


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Author information

Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

Phone: +2613987384138

Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.