Daily Republican-Register from Mount Carmel, Illinois (2024)

I CARMEL, ILLINOIS DAILY REPUBLICAN-REGISTER, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1947 PAGE THREE Sally Jones Society Editor Phone 24 Mr. and Mrs. Byron Wood of Jacksonville, Ill. spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs.

K. W. Wood. Mr. and Mrs.

Lowell Wolfe and son Michael, of Cooper, Texas, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Albright and daughter Kathleen, of Indianapolis, are visiting with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Meade Wolfe.

Mr. Vance- Swinson of Parkersburg is alsa a guest in the Wolfe home. Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Liddle, Miss Doris Jean Leipold, Mary Jo.

Phebus and Pat Youngman Friday morning for Jacksonville, for visit with Mr. and Mrs. 1 Bill Phebus and family. Dr. and Mrs.

Leroy Ritter and daughter Kathleen, of Canton, IlL. are visiting Doctor Ritter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ritter and family. Mr.

and Mrs. Earl Self, Monticello, were visitors in Mount Carmel yesterday They are formerly from this city. Miss Bernadine Hensley left yesterday for Oakland, Calif. Mr. and Mrs.

Vern Jordan of Champaign, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Dean Compton. Mr. and Mrs.

L. B. Melton of Evansville, spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Mike Henderson.

Henry Feldman of West Salem was a business visitor in the city' yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Elliott and son of Indianapolis, spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Maynard C. Risley. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weisenberger, Geneva Kemp, and Jake Weisenberger were visiting Mr.

and Mrs. Joe O'Day of Oakland City. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Papley of Evansville, spent the holidays with their mother, Mrs.

Eva Parker and sister, Mrs. O. E. Harris. Mr.

and Mrs. Floyd Sprinkle and daughter, Ann, of Bridgeport, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Neely, daughters Mary Ann and Rose Ellen, sons, Lester Jr. and Bennie.

of Friendsville, Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Sprinkle of Mt. Carmel, 3, Mrs. Fred Brines and daughter Kitty Lea, were all Christmas guests of Mr.

and Mrs. Louis Sprinkle. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Seltz have returned to their home in South Bend, after being here for a Christmas visit with their parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Seitz. Mr. and Mrs. W.

S. Riley 'and children have returned home from Little Rock, and Eldorado, after having spent Christmas with Mr. Riley's father. Mark Madden of Allendale, was transacting busines in Mt. Carmel today.

SOCIETY Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Geddes and son Stevie, of New Albany, Indiana, visited with friends here over the holidays. A. H.

Schafer of Allendale, R. transacted business here this morning. Engagement Announced Mr. Loren Dixon wishes to announce the engagement of his daughter: Lois Marie, to Melvin Dale Peach, son of Mr. and Mrs.

E. C. Peach of Keensburg. No definite date for the wedding has been set. Yuletide Dinner At Mayne 1 Home A Yuletide dinner and family fellowship occurred at the home, of S.

A. Mayne Thursday. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Max E.

Kennard and sons. Eddie and Donnie and daughter Carmen, Mrs. Mabel M. Groaesch and, daughter Marilyn, and Mr. and Mrs.

Ed Skelton. Upon opening the holiday presents from local and distant places it was learned that Santa had been unusually generous to all. A fine, Christmas spirit of appreciation and gratitude prevailed. Friendly Circle Meeting Is Held The Circle club held their annual party at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Raymond Seibert on Sunday evening. A buffet supper was enjoyed. During the' social hour mystery, pals. were, revealed and gifts received. ing the business session an election of officers was held, with the' following elected: President, Morris Stewart; vice Mrs.

Mildred Biehl; secretary and treasurer, Mrs. Bernadine Games and conversation. furnish-' ed the evening's entertainment with the following present: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stoltz, Mr.

and Mrs. Blaine Painter, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Stewart, Mr. and Mrs.

Earl Biehl, Leroy and Ronnie, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Beal, Susan, and the host and hostess, Mr.

and Mrs. Raymond Seibert, and their guests Betty, Bobby and Martha Sue Marx. Puryear-Eichem On Christmas day, at 4:00 p.m. in a simple but very impressive double ring ceremony, Delores Anne Puryear became the bride of Eldon Eugene Eichem, at the Grace Memorial church with Rev. Chas.

E. Pedersen officiating before an alter banked with. ferns and seven branch candlabras. The bride who was given in marriage by her eldest brother, Tom! Puryear. was lovely in a teal, blue suit with black and winter white accessories.

Her corsage was tiny white rose buds and she carried a white Bible. Her only attendant was her sister. Mrs. Loren H. Swan who wore a pink gabardine suit with black accessories and her flowers were yellow chrysanthemums.

Charles E. Eichem served his brother as best man. They both wore dark suits with white carnation buttonnierers. Mrs. Chas.

E. Pederson at the piano played 1 the traditional wedding music and Miss Norma Taggart beautifully sang "One Above." "Always" and the "Lord's Prayer." Carl Dooms and Russell Millhouse served as ushers. Mrs. Eichem is the daughter of Mrs. Irene Puryear and Mr.

Eichem is the 'eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Eichem. Mr. Eichem i is employed by the Carmel Mfg.

Co. They will reside 'at 818 Poplar street. williams-Hughes In a lovely candlelight ceremony at five o'clock on Christmas eve in the First Christian church at Francisville, Miss Dale Williams, daughter of Mrs. Lucretia Williams of St. Francisville, became the bride of Tommy Hughes, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Maurice Hughes of Allendale. The church was beautifully decorated in evergreen and white tapers. The double ring ceremony was read' beneath the lighted cross by Rev. R.

E. den. Little Martha Jane and Larry Joe Pool, carrying burning tapers, lighted the tapers over the church after Which Miss Lois McKelfresh played a program of bridal music. John Bell sang Schubert's "Ave Maria" and Promise Me." accompanied by Miss McKelfresh, preceding the ceremony. Mr.

Bell also sang, "The Lord's Prayer," while the bride and groom were kneeling. beneath the cross. The Mendelssohns Recessional was used. The bride entered to the strains of the traditional wedding march. She wore a lovely dusty rose crepe dress made with a neckline.

Her corsage was of white rose buds tied with blue ribbon and mingled with tiny blue for-get-me-nots, being her "something blue." For something borrowed she carried white lace handkerchief belonging. to Mrs. Anna Lee Pool, and for something old she wore strand of pearls which had been gift from her mother several years ago. For something new she wore a gold bracelet, a gift from the groom. Miss Eileen Biehl of Mt.

Carmel, a close friend was maid of honor, and June Hughes, small sister of the groom, flower girl. Miss Biehl wore pale green crepe dress and corsage of white carnations. Miss Hughes wore a dress of blue and a miniature corsage of white baby mums and carried a flowered basket of white with bow of blue. The bridal party was led by the candle bearers. Mrs.

Williams, mother of the bride, wore beige crepe dress with brown accessories and a corsage of white carnations. Mrs. Hughes, mother of the groom, wore a black suit with white accessories and a corsage of blue mums. The groom and his best man, Cleo Spond of Patton, a close friend, wore brown business suits with white bontonnieres. The ushers were Clark Pool, and Lyle Tougaw.

The bride will be a graduate of the Sty Francisville high school this year and Mr. Hughes graduated from' the Allendale high school with the class of 1944. Mr. and Mrs. Hughes will be at their home west of Allendale of Kansas City, Mr.

and er Mrs. Robert Cooper of Lawrenceville, and Gene Dinsmore, Mt. Carmel. after they return from a wedding trip to A reception was served to forty-two guests in the church basem*nt following the 'wedding, the basem*nt being lighted with Dur-Awhite tapers. The table was set with white linen with a centerpiece of evergreen and white tapers.

The wedding cake was topped with a miniature bride. and groom. After the bride and groom the first piece, Mrs. R. F.

Snider cut and served the cake and Mrs. Arthur Fesler served the coffee. Those assisting with the serving were: Mrs. Lewis Tougaw, Mrs. Bud Freshaur, Mrs.

Sam Brian, Mrs. Clark Pool and Mrs. Ray O'Dell. Out-of-town guests were: Mrs. Effie Smith of Washington, grandmother of the bride; Mr.

and Mrs. Adam Schafer of Allendale, grandparents of the Mr. and Mrs. Ray Schafgroom; Work Is To Start By Board On Monday WASHINGTON, Dec. The first government-appointed board to investigate the wageprofit relationship in a management labor dispute will begin work Monday.

The board was appointed late by Director Cyrus C. yesterday Ching of the federal mediation service under terms of an agreement between Western Union Telegraph Co. and three AFL unions which had threatened to call 000 members out on strike. Board members are Eugene Meyer, chairman of the board of the Washington Post; Waldo E. Fisher, University of ia faculty member, and Charles A.

Horsky, a Washington, D. torney. They will meet here to organize and plan a schedule of hearings for taking. testimony from the parties. Creation of the board forestalled a threatened pre-Christmas strike.

The three-member panel must make final and binding determinations by Feb. 9 on "the wage-profit relationship" as the term is used" in the contract between the parties. Nine Are Rescued By Ski Plane Use harmed by two days' exposure tol arctic winds and sub-zero temperatures after their B-17 crash -landed Christmas eve on a frozen wasteland lake. Officials 'at Atlantic Division Headquarters of the Air Transport Command here said the nine survivors, seven Americans and two Canadians, were in "excellent! shape" and walked from the rescue plane after landing at Goose Bay last night. The survivors said they had sheltered themselves against the intense cold during their 50-houring ordeal by huddling together lean-tos they built from scrub timber and parachute silk.

Brush fires were kept blazing continuously they said. The rescue plane, flown by veteran air force ski pilot Emil Beaudray, of Manchester, N. H. bucked headwinds of a brewing arctic storm late yesterday to reach the downed plane at frozen Astray Lake about 275 miles northwest of Goose Bay. WESTOVER FIELD, airmen rescued by an air force ski plane were safe at Goose Bay, Labrador today, Rainbows are formed by the reflection of the sun through raindrops.

SHARE HONORS AS AMERICA'S BEST-DRESSED WOMEN duch*ess of Windsor Mrs. Howard Hawks THESE WOMEN are among America's by the New York dress institute. 1 Party Is Held By West Salem Class WEST SALEM, Dec. Pearl Karaschefskey and Milda Berg entertained "the Gleaners" of the Methodist Sunday school at the Couch cabin on Wednesday evening. Yuletide decorations including a Christmas tree adorned the large living room.

Seated before an open fireplace, the program was given in charge of President Opal Byram. Song, "Silent Night," Christmas story as recorded in Luke's Gospel, Edythe Buse-' fink; prayer by Mrs. Isebelle Chitty; roll call, Christmas poems; reading, "Little Willie and Annie's Christmas." Mrs. Faye Fehrenbacher; comparison of the Christmas story as told in the Gospels, by Faye Fehrenbacher. During the transaction.

of business, plans were completed for the distribution of Christmas cheer. Miss Marilyn Gadau had charge of the contests. with Mrs. Cletta Gadau and Mrs. Edythe Busefink receiving the prizes.

Gifts were exchanged among the following present, Mesdames Isabell Chitty, Cletta Gadau, Glendine Carlton, Opal Byram, Charles Koertge, Faye Fehrenbacher, J. T. Smith, Minnie Woods, Edythe Busefink, Minnie Dawson, Misses Marilyn Gadau, Pearl Karaschefskey, Inez and Lois Harrison, Hilda Berg, Mrs. Ivalu Boewe and daughter. Refreshments were served by the hostesses.

Leaves for Florida Mrs. Isabell Chitty left on Thursday for Alturas, to spend the winter months with her daughter, Mrs. Wesley Gadau and family. She was accompanie d. to Evansville by her daughter, Mrs.

Cletta Gadau. Miss Joann Sloan of Anderson, is visiting with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Gaede, while her mother in recuperating from a recent A large crowd of folks was in town Saturday, the adults casttheir votes, (the majority against the establishment of a community unit school district in Edwards county) land doing. their Christmas shopping, while the children attended the free show and received their treats from Santa in person.

Mrs. Sam Burns visited with her grandmother, Mrs. 1 Harriett Hills, ih Hardinville on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.

Neil Banister and Barry left Monday for Princeton, Ky. where they will spend the holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hopper and Mrs. M.

Banister. Misses Mayme and Rachel the' kiddies was enjoyed. Lovely refreshments of fruited jello with whipped cream, wafers and coffee and popcorn. balls were served by the hostess, after which the group had their annual gift exchange. Present were Mesdames Lola Biehl, Ruby Baker, Mary Richards, Marjorie Wiser, Alwyn Moudy, and son, Sadie Johnson, Maude Fritchley, Mamlie Reynolds, and Jimmie, Misses Shirley Baker, Mary Ellen Richards, Mary Ann Biehl, the Mrs.

Tomblinson, Darrell and Junior. Next meeting will be with Mrs. Sadie Johnson. The Polyanan class of the Christian Sunday school held their Christmas party and gift exchange at the home of Mrs. Emmett Kaericher, with Mrs.

Clyde Boyd, assistant hostess. Business was followed with contests, Alberta Banister and Bernadine Miller and Violet McDow-1 ell prize winners. Gifts were exchanged and others presented to 'officers of the past year. Officers elected were: President. Mila Boyd; secretary, Pearl Ellis and treasurer, Pearl Peters, Mrs.

Mary Couch; teacher and Mila Boyd assistant. Refreshments were served. B. S. Dush, 83, retired business man, -passed away last Wednesday, Dec.

17, at Sumners clinic in Olney, following a fall which fractured his hip. He 'fell at the home of his son, Dr. V. R. Dush.

Funeral services were held Friday in the Memorial Chapel' of Sumners. Funeral Home, Olney, and burial made in W. S. Moravian cemetery here. One son, V.

R. Dush; two grandchildren, Dush and Mrs. Howard Olney; one sister, Mrs. Lizzie Camfield- of Lakewood survive. Christmas -Party Miss Joan Reynolds entertained a group of girls Thursday evening, Dec.

18 at a Christmas party at her home. Members played games and had a gift exchange then had group singing of Christmas carols. Refreshments of hamburgers, pickles, fruited Jello, angel food cake and bottled, drinks were served to Joanne Moudy, Jean: Feldman, Gilberta Hector, Helen Meltinney, Shirley McDowell, Sarah Spray and Joan Reynolds. After this the girls went Christmas caroling. Bellmont Unit Has Its December Meeting BELLMONT.

Dec. 27 Bellmont unit of the home bureau met at the home of Mrs. Edna Joachim for its Christmas meeting with covered dish luncheon at noon. Thirteen members, two visitors and two children were present. In the afternoon the major lesson, Efficient Ironing Methods, was well given by Mrs.

William Ankenbrand and Mrs. Fred Ankenbrand. After the recreation, there was an exchange of Christmas gifts. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Gilbert Wirth.

Ina Claire Mrs. Harrison Williams ten best-dressed of 1947, Claire is only actress named. Clodfelter and Dr. and Mrs. H.

L. Schaefer visited with Mrs. Lucy Dollahan and Margaret in Mount Carmel Sunday. Mrs. Emmette was hostess to her Sunday school class of young people of the Christian Sunday school at her home on Thursday.

evening. The business meeting was followed by the singing of Christmas carols, a social hour and gift exchange. Sandwiches, cocoa and salad were served. Miss Martha Ann Burton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

J. E. Burton of Bone Gap, and Jesse Gallagher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gallapher of Calhoun, were, united in marriage at one o'clock Sunday afternoon, in 01- I ney.

the ceremony a reception was given the newlyweds at the home -of the bride's parents. Those attending, from here were, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Orel and children, Mr. and Mrs.

Cyrus Burton, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lemke and Mr. and Mrs. Craver Harris.

Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hasewinkle received a highly prized and unusual Christmas gift on Sunday, December 21, Doctor Krajec delivering to them twin daughters, weighing 154 pounds. They are reported doing well. Mrs, Harold Gerlach entertained the Eva Ann Missionary society of the Moravian church at her home on Friday evening.

The program was followed by a social hour and refreshments. John W. Toole of Evansville spent the week-end with his grandmother, Mrs. Edythe Buse-. fink.

Glen Knackmus, student at the U. of Champaign, came last week to spend the holidays with his parents and Mrs. George Knackmus. Miss IveJeaM who is' taking Beauty Culture course in Evansville, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Warren Shelby. Lt. and Mrs. Kermit Kaericher of, Randolph Field, San Antonio, Texas, Emmett Kaericher, student at Vanderbilt University," Nashville, and Kaericher, who has been in Chicago, arrived the last of the week for a visit with the E. C.

and William Rhinelander Stewart Millicent Rogers according to annual poll conducted: (International) Mrs. Neil Banister entertained her Bridge club last Thursday evening. Yule decorations, cluding the lighted tree, the house. The dinner table spread in white linen, with a terpiece of banked evergreens, hiding a large stick of candy the center, and interspersed glittering ornaments and red in bows. The fancy place were tied to candy canes.

menu consisted of baked and dressing, Christmas tree. ad, cherry pudding topped Whipped cream and coffee. exchange of gifts was made. for holding high score during evening was awarded Mrs. eva King and consolation went to Mrs.

Janie side the above mentioned were present, Mesdames Burns, Virginia Schernekau, Thompson, Myla Boyd, Giese, Alberta Kaericher, Bratsch, Cleo Orel, Farmer, la Harrison, Miss cille Orel and Mrs. Mildred beck of Grayville. Mrs. Margaret Tomblinson hostess to: the N. E.

Household club for the mas meeting. The meeting called to order by the Mrs. Sadie Johnson. Roll was answered by each her favorite Christmas song, verse then being sung by group. Prayer, Mrs.

Fritchley. Sortg "It Came the Midnight Clear," of dues. Motion made and onded to send an offering Christmas Neighbor Club. "Pand new business was Two contests were then with Sadie Johnson and Reynolds A grab for the members and another CALL US FOR WRECKER SERVICE VANDEVER: MOTOR SALES Open 24 Hours a Day WRECK REBUILDING FRAME STRAIGHTENING FAIRBANKS MORSE PRODUCTS Hammer Mills, Water Systems, Engines, Electric Water Heaters, Pump Jacks MOUNT CARMEL OLIVER SALES CO. "Finest In Farm Machinery" West 9th St.

Phone 888 Route 15 LICK PRAIRIE MEETING PROGRAM GIVEN BY SCHOOL LICK PRAIRIE, Dec. 27- The teacher and pupils had charge of the December community meeting. After a very nice program Santa Claus made his appearance and the large collection of presents was distributed. Refreshments of candy, nuts, cookies and apples were served. A green rose has been developed whose petals are the same color as its leaves.

COMPLETE WRECKER SERVICE Day or Night Prompt Efficient MEYER MOTORS Phone 38 Day 237-R Night THE HI WAY SANDWICH SHOP. -ServesDelicious home-cooked food, where families gather, where oid friends meet new friends. SPECIAL PLATE LUNCHES COMPLETE FRIED CHICKEN DINNER with dessert M. E. Hastings, prop.

109 E. 9th St. inadorned was cen- Mr. and Virgil Wood of R. 1, was a business visitor in the city today.

E. F. Higgins of Allendale, transacted business in Mt. Carmel this morning. Frank Price of Allendale, was a business visitor in the city today.

Pic. Ervie Kuehling of Denver, is spending the holidays 'with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ervie Kuehling. Mr.

and Mrs. Charles. Scott and children of Princeton, spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.

J. Banks. Mr. and Mrs. Stevens and daughter Peggy Ann, of West Salem, entertained at a dinner, Mr.

and Mrs. Claude Stevens and son Bobby, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Higgins, and daughter Wilma, Mr.

and Mrs. Clarence Higgins and sons Russell and Charles and daughter Marilyn, Mrs. Effie Mundy, Mrs. Lula Stark and. daughter Mr.

and Mrs. F. E. Parkenson and Mr. and Mrs.

H. Paul spent Christmas with G. S. Tombaugh and family of Evansville. Mrs.

F. E. Parkinson, Mrs. W. G.

Cotner; and daughter Adah Margaret, will pick up Milburn: Judson, White III. of Memphis, at the airport this evening to spend the holidays with his Mr. and Mrs. F. E.

grandparents, Parkinson and little friends. Mr. and Mrs. M. Graesch and baby son David, will spend Sunday here with.

Mr. Graesch's mother. Mr. Will' Staniger of St. Louis, and Mrs.

Nora Taylor of Centralia, visited with friends in the city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Doges of Evansville, 'visited with relatives in Mt. Carmel yesterday.

AUTO PARTS COMPANY PARTS FOR ALL CARS United States Tires 624 Main Street Phone 19 in with satcards The capon salwith An Prize the Genprize Bethere Judy Iva Gladys Minnie Dorothy LuHall- was Edwards Christwas president, call naming one the Maude Upon collection secto the Old transactheld Mamie bag for AMERICAN UPTOWN TONIGHT SUNDAY Shows CONTINUOUS FROM 1:45 Admission 20c-400 Mat. Eve. Dizzy Desperadoes gunnin' for Laughs! BUD ABBOTT LOU COSTELLO THE Wistful WIDOW OF WAGON GAP Marjorie ADDED Main CARTOON NEWS UPTOWN BILL HOLIDAY HOPPY'S TODAY BOYD ANDY Shows Continuous From 1:45 Added! Serial News AMERICAN UPTOWN SUNDAY A MONDAY CONTINUOUS FROM 1:45 Mat. 1:45 Eve. 7-9 Mat.

Eve. Mat. 200-300 Eve. 200-400 There's NOTHING you can't get if you wish hard enough! Ginger It Had to Cornel WILDE Be You SPRING ADDED! "Mr. Chimp To.


Daily Republican-Register from Mount Carmel, Illinois (2024)


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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.